Q. Why create a stack for Mental Health support?

A. Our world is constantly changing and a global pandemic has also created a lot of change in our lives. We were forced to slow down, change our routines, forced to isolate ourselves from one another and with this came some unrest in many people. I personally lived in 2 Australian states that had very long lockdowns over the course of 2 years and I heavily felt the effects of these changes on my mental health. I also witnessed those around me struggle at the time.

I wanted to create a self-aid tool that I could use to focus on my Mental Health either over a period of time incrementally or when I chose to take a 'Mental Health Day' to refill my cup or recharge my batteries. I created this deck and wanted to share it with everyone in the hope it will help others as it helps me.

I know our world is beginning to open back up again which i'm very grateful for, but I also want to take one of the good things I personally found from lockdown with me, and that is my need for calm and slowness to focus on supporting my Mental Health more often. 

Q. How do I "play" using the stack?

A. There are two ways we recommend using your cards but the stack is yours to use in any way you feel suits your situation.

Random Stacks - Shuffle the deck and randomly pick cards depending on how much time you might have.

Balanced Stacks - Pick a few 'Spark Insight' cards and pick a few 'Spark Action' cards for a more balanced stack with both questions and activities.

For the Spark Insight cards, you might also like to randomly pick cards with a friend and take turns to share your thoughts using the questions as prompts. Or maybe you'd like to use the Spark Insight cards as journal prompts to deeply explore your thoughts and reflect back on them later.

Another option is to work through the deck and pick one Spark Insight card and one Spark Action card a day to focus on. If you have chosen to take a 'Mental Health Day' with more hours available, you might like to pick a number of cards from each card type and base your mental health day around those cards. 

Q. Can I order a stack to ship overseas?

A. Yes! We have opened up international shipping. Please see our Shipping Policy for additional details.  

Q. Are you going to create other stacks?

A. Absolutely! I already have content for another stack that I'd love to design and complete once Spark Stacks is alive and running. Plus I have many, many more stack ideas that I can't wait to explore and bring to life.